Monday, 17 October 2005

Egg Bacon Chicken Tikka Ice Cream

All I ate today was an Egg and Bacon sandwich; a Granny Smith; a small serving of Chicken Tikka on a bed of salad with one medium potato; Stracciatelli ice cream; two chocolate chip cookies; two squares of chocolate; and a Tuna and Potato Salad on brown bread sandwich.


Blogger mivste said...

I could never eat ONLY two squares of chocolate, however rich in flavour. Chocolate is my downfall. I tend not to buy any during the warm/hot Spanish months... only because it melts before we get home! I think the weather's now turned cool enough though to warrant me buying some, don't you think?!

On a more serious note, have you considered just cutting out all the sugary non-nutritional cakes you eat? You could substitute them with sticks of carrots and celery (heaps of them).

Regards, Miryam (mivste)

Tue Oct 18, 03:56:00 pm BST  
Blogger alienboy said...

HI Miryam,

Yes, eating only 2 squares of chocolate is a sign of late stage chocolate addiction, rather like how an alcoholic only needs one drink to get drunk!

I usually have some chocolate around all year round, I keep it in the refrigerator in Summer and then take it out a half hour or so before eating so it gets all soft and sticky. Lovely!

You could treat yourself to some lovely rich dark Belgian or Swiss chocolate, mmmmm.

Er, not eat cakes? Replace them with celery? Are you mad? LOL!! Actually, the whole point of the Tapas Diet is to try and find a way of eating anything I want and just reduce the quantities. It works really well when I am able to maintain my self-discipline...

Thanks again for stopping by.

Wed Oct 19, 10:24:00 am BST  

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